About the Junior League of Jackson

About the Junior League of Jackson
The Junior League of Jackson is an organization of more than 2,200 whose mission is to advance women’s leadership for meaningful community impact through volunteer action, collaboration, and training. Through its members’ commitments to community projects and fund development businesses, this year the JLJ will donate more than 55,000 volunteer hours valued at almost $800,000. The League’s donation is not just in volunteer hours; the JLJ’s fund development businesses last year generated more than $1.5 million in direct financial support of the League’s mission.

Junior League of Jackson Vision Statement
The Junior League of Jackson will make a measurable impact by enriching our community through building partnerships and inspiring shared solutions.

Junior League of Jackson Purpose Statement
The Junior League of Jackson is a charitable organization whose purpose is to improve the quality of life of those in our community.

To learn more, visit the Junior League of Jackson website at www.jljackson.org.